Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20th 2012

My pepper plant is looking really good! It has 3 little peppers growing on it now :)
 My squash plant is dying... all of them are. They have some weird plant disease apparently is what it says online. They came like that, and the disease wont spread to my other plants thankfully.
 My lettuce is growing a lot bigger. They look a lot healthier now that im not getting their leaves wet when watering them.
 My cherry tomatoes are growing! They wernt there when I checked last week!
 My chard is HUGE compared to last week. There are a lot of stalks and they are super tall.
 Here's an updated picture of my garden :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 10th 2012
Today my garden is looking a lot better. I noticed I have my first tomato growing! I also have a couple buds and flowers on my red pepper plant, strawberries, and jalepenos. The strawberries are still halfway dead though..

June 3rd 2012
My Garden looks somewhat dead this week... I don't have my camera because i left it at my grandmas so I cant give a picture update. I overwatered most of it and got the leaves wet so they dried out from the sun. My mom and I planted the herb garden today though! We got chocolate mint, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and a couple others that I can't remember the name of.